🔥Fast Free Shipping from US Warehouse & Duty-Free

Shipping & Tracking

Shipping Countries
We provide free and fast shipping service by air freight to all countries over the world.

Shipping Time
Usually the shipment will start within 24-48 hours after your payment except for unexpected circumstances (e.g. out of stock, we will get in touch with you immediately). We will update you with the shipping status via email in the first place. You are also free to contact us via sales@em-smart.com for your order’s latest status.

ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival)
Delivery time depends on your chosen shipping method and various factors like holidays, shipping schedules, and your location. Estimated delivery time is typically 5-14 business days. If any issues arise during the shipping process, we will handle and take responsibility for them.

Tracking Order
You may track your parcel via this site (https://www.17track.net/en/). You may also get the shipping information from the email sent by our customer service. 

▸Customs Duties
This will be completely subject to the policy of the local customs of your country. If the customs duties apply, it will be the responsibility of the buyer. However, to avoid the duty, we also provide DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) shipping option at the check-out page for our customers, so that you won't have any duty worries.